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The 15 Most Important Crypto Acronyms

For the conversion to remain current, financial talk, internet jargon, and crypto terminology must all be kept up-to-date. Therefore, Cryptobtcmag has prepared a list of the 15 most popular crypto acronyms today.

1. To the Moon

To the Moon is a metaphor for a considerable price increase for a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, as the name suggests. The price of Bitcoin is shown as going through the chart and up to the Moon. It is the essential Crypto Acronyms.

2. GM

GM, which stands for “good morning,” is an acronym for cryptocurrency that became popular during the bull run of 2021, when crypto investors and Twitter users would start their days by saying “good morning” to their peers and followers. It was a sign of the good feelings in the markets then, so people used it to wish everyone a good morning as they started their days.

3. GN

GN, which means good night and is similar to GM, is an acronym that crypto traders and Twitter began using to conclude their days on a happy note during the last bull run. Before retiring for the night, you are expected to say GN to the world.


In Crypto Acronyms, WAGMI means “we are going to make it.” WAGMI is a catchphrase meant to encourage the industry and community that, even though the market goes up and down, we’re all going to make it and be okay in the end if we work hard and don’t give up. When people feel anxious or uncertain, they are more likely to use this expression (FUD).


Not going to make it. People use NGMI to alert others when they’re making a wrong decision or saying something ridiculous and uninformed, usually about finance and cryptocurrency. This idea or approach means the person won’t succeed. Wanting a million dollars but not working hard. NGMI-minded. Another example is declaring Bitcoin has no value while governments, millions of investors, Fortune 500 corporations, and now substantial financial institutions are interested.

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6. Fomo

Fear of missing out (FOMO) FOMO occurs when investors and traders enter a rally too late or miss a parabolic coin. That causes them to FOMO into the cash, making fewer profits and losing money when its value drops.

7. FUD

Fear, uncertainty, doubt (FUD) FUD describes crypto and Twitter. During bear markets, individuals sell out of anxiety, and panic, declare crypto is heading to zero, and repeat the Ponzi adage. Most of this is from unskilled traders, not actual investors and students of the technology and financial instruments.


HODL means “hold on for dear life.” It resonates with investors and traders who aren’t skilled at timing the market and acquire coins or Bitcoin on the spot and hold them for years. HOLD encourages ownership and security and helps merchants avoid taxes and costs from continual trading. It lowers volatility and bad months.


BUIDL misspells “build,” which relates to developing cryptographic products and services. Investors, traders, and projects should focus on bitcoin-creating products during downturns. Web 3, blockchain, and cryptocurrency firms can only succeed by creating great items.

10. APE

APE is a strategy or action that involves putting a lot of money into one cryptocurrency or going all-in on a trade without giving the trade or market dynamics much thought or research. It’s also meant to show that the animal, be it a gorilla or an ape, is significant and robust and shows dominance and power by putting a lot of money into a particular crypto trade.

11. REKT

When investors suffer a significant financial loss on a deal or during a recent market decline, in Crypto Acronyms they may use the slang term “REKT,” a misspelling of the word “wrecked.” For instance, you could lose a lot of money if you APE into a coin when it’s falling in value, and the currency keeps falling.

12. Nocoiner

People who don’t own cryptocurrencies and don’t want to trade them are called “nocoiners.” Most nocoiners don’t see the value in cryptocurrencies, making them think they’re worthless and less likely to buy or trade them.

13. JOMO

The term “joy of missing out,” or JOMO, is the sentiment experienced by those who are relieved that they did not invest in cryptocurrencies or purchase Bitcoin at its all-time high during the market’s bull run.

14. NGU

NGU means “number go up” and calls for the price of cryptocurrencies to climb during difficult times. It is also used to describe the status of cryptocurrencies during intense bull runs. For instance, “everything is NGU at the moment; you should buy while the trend is hot.”

15. BTD

BTD stands for “buy the dip” and is a trading, and investing technique that involves purchasing cryptocurrencies and equities when prices are low and negative FUD sentiment is prevalent. While most of the market is experiencing extreme fear and FUD, sophisticated traders will typically buy the dip when prices drop sharply.

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